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Sunday, May 8, 2011

TVU Player: Your Online TV!

TVU Networks Corporation is an Internet company that operates an Internet television broadcasting network that uses P2PTV technology to offer its broadcasters global reach and low costs. Founded in 2005, the company is based in Mountain View, California.[2].
Users download a freeware software application for Windows or Mac OSX called TVUPlayer and can then watch several dozen TV channels over the internet.
As of November 2008 these include the SyfySpike TVFox NewsABCNBCCBSThe CW, many of the Chinese CCTV channels, some European channels (including many from France and Germany), Asian Channels and others from around the world.
As of October 2009, some channels disappeared (ABC, NBC, CW). Various local Fox stations are available including Fox News, though Fox News often disappears for a few days then returns. As of December 2010, Family Guy channel has disappeared, however both ABC and NBC have returned.
TVU does not broadcast these channels. It is the responsibility of the individual who rebroadcasts a particular channel on TVU to keep the channel running. It is unknown to the viewer who the rebroadcaster is. It could be the broadcasting company itself which chooses to provide viewers with its broadcast, or some individual who is "capturing" a public broadcast and rebroadcasting it on TVU.
A minimum of pornographic channels are available, generally "pornography light". On the other hand, there are several channels geared toward an "evangelical audience" as well as channels that have a particular political agenda.
As of March 2010, TVUnetworks has shut down their servers. Users can no longer log in or broadcast however, users streaming before the close of the servers are still allowed to stream until the broadcast ends. Along with this, many channels disappeared such as CBS, DragonBall Z, Anime Classic, QTV2008, and Anime Central. It is unconfirmed if TVU will shut down its site permanently.
TVU reemerged in April of 2010. The servers are currently up and running.

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